Released in 2015, Ryan Coogler’s “Creed” revitalized an entire franchise. The Rocky spin-off series continues to dazzle with another knockout drama with a magnetic...
Jonathan Majors’ attorney has shared text messages from his alleged assault victim that appear to prove the actor’s innocence. The Marvel star was arrested...
How do you love your noodles? Creamy, Beef Stroganoff, Tomato and Egg Drop Noodle Soup, Peanut Butter Noodles, or Chicken and Mushroom Sauced? Well, today...
It has now become the norm/culture in schools abroad that they teach kids about gender fluidity. This caused alarm online especially for Nigerians in...
The successful completion of Africa’s biggest petroleum refinery and the world’s largest single-train facility is expected to have a significant impact on Nigeria’s foreign...
According to WHO, every year, 287,000 women die from pregnancy-related causes. Another 5.7 million suffer severe or long-lasting illnesses or disabilities caused by complications...
Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, the financial centre of the metropolis, is known for its beach resorts, boutiques and nightlife. To the north, Lagos Island...