The latest release, iOS 17.3, brings a significant security upgrade aimed at thwarting potential theft attempts and safeguarding sensitive information stored on your iPhone, including iCloud data and crucial accounts like banking or email.
Moving beyond traditional lock screen passcodes, the Stolen Device Protection feature in iOS 17.3 mandates Face ID or Touch ID verification for specific actions. This proactive measure is designed to counteract common theft tactics, where thieves manipulate individuals into revealing their passcodes before making a swift getaway with the stolen device.
With Stolen Device Protection, actions such as accessing saved passwords or applying for a new Apple Card necessitate fingerprint scanning or Face ID authentication. Notably, the update introduces a deliberate waiting period for more sensitive operations, such as altering your Apple ID password or iPhone passcode. According to Apple’s release notes, the “Security Delay” entails Face ID or Touch ID, a one-hour waiting period, and an additional successful biometric authentication, ensuring that only authorized users can complete these critical processes.
It’s worth noting that the heightened security measures come into play when you’re away from familiar locations like home or work, providing an extra layer of authentication precisely when it’s most crucial. Keep your iPhone secure with the advanced features of iOS 17.3.