In what appears like an intense and selfish desire for money, a policeman identified as Mathew Joshua, attached to a new generation bank in Zaria has allegedly killed his colleague, Aliyu Kamilua, a student, and injured four persons over stipulated stipend.
The student who was hit by a stray bullet was said to have witnessed the disagreement between the Corporal and the Sergent. It was gathered that Corporal Joshua discovered that Sergent Kamilu had been short-changing him.
Joshua tried confronting Kamilu however it resorted into a heated argument and Joshua who was holding a rifle shot the sergeant in the stomach, Joshua after shooting the sergeant started shooting sporadically which led to the killing of the student and injured four customers in the bank
Policemen arrived as soon as information on the incident got to their command in Zaria.
The policemen met their colleague with two rifles. They had no option but to systematically take a position in which one of them succeeded in shooting Joshua in the leg and gave people around the opportunity to throw stones.
The question is, should the Police ever leave room for jungle justice? The said policeman, Joshua should have been trialed according to the law.