TVC E. According to multiple reports, boxer Floyd Mayweather has been getting cozy with a 19-year-old from England!
The 39-year-old has been spotted with British teenager Raemarni Ball (who also goes by Rmarni Eliss) in both Miami and LA — and she hasn’t been shy about sharing pics of the duo on her Instagram page.
And Rmarni’s mom Mandy Ball who is 50 years old, told reporters that she’s not concerned about her daughter’s new companion. “I have spoken to her since she landed, and she says she is having a whale of a time. She’s fine,” she said.
Someone who we bet isn’t okay with this: Floyd’s oldest child, Koraun, who’s 16 (aka just three years younger than his dad’s alleged hook up).
The craziest part of this alleged relationship is that Rmarni supposedly has a boyfriend back home, who’s given her his “blessing” to take the overseas vacay.
Floyd claimed was reported to have broken up with his long-time girlfriend Shantel Christine Jackson because she got an abortion. He tweeted that he is against killing.
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