In recent years, black women have proudly begun embracing their natural textures. We’ve found creative ways to wear our natural curls in styles that can take us from the office to a night out with the girls. Our decision to ditch relaxers has forced hair care companies to change the way they market their products to us and to bow down to our choice to be natural. There are a lot of products on the market for natural hair, but keeping it simple and using the basics is what is most important for healthy hair. One of the requirements for growing and maintaining natural hair is giving your hair and yourself a little TLC. These do’s and don’ts will point you in the right direction in your search for shiny, bouncy, head-turning curls.
Do wash your hair in sections
Despite the appearance our hair gives of being tough, our strands are very fragile. Excessive tugging and combing can cause frizz and breakage which can lead to messy split ends and hair that seems to never grow. Wash your hair in sections to avoid getting your hair matted. This will lead to less detangling. Doing this will help you retain length and save time on wash day.
Do eat healthy
Going natural can have a domino effect on our lifestyles. Being mindful of what chemicals we put on our hair may lead to us being conscious of what goes in our bodies. Diet is very important when it comes to the health of our hair. When you eat the wrong foods heavy in grease and fat, it shows in our weight and on our skin. The same toll is taken on our hair. A healthy diet will translate in to stronger strands that won’t snap off easily. Make sure you are also drinking a lot of water. Water is the most natural lubricant you will find to put in and on your body. It will help your skin stay clear of blemishes and will keep your scalp from flaking and becoming sore.
Do wear protective styles
The less often you have your hands in your hair, the more hair you will keep. Think about it – when you are constantly raking your fingers through your hair or even combing it, little hairs get caught in the movement. If you’ve got small chips on your nails that hair can snag on or if your fingers hook on to a coil the wrong way, it will snap off taking healthy hairs along with it. Protective styles save you from damaging your hair and it saves you time and energy. It’s a win-win.