Released in 2015, Ryan Coogler’s “Creed” revitalized an entire franchise. The Rocky spin-off series continues to dazzle with another knockout drama with a magnetic...
Jonathan Majors’ attorney has shared text messages from his alleged assault victim that appear to prove the actor’s innocence. The Marvel star was arrested...
It’s another beautiful Wednesday morning on #WakeUpNigeria and we’re set to bring you the best of entertainment, sports, lifestyle and interviews. Watch live here:
The week started with something exciting and yummy as chef Miyonsea prepared ‘Rice steaks and Chicken in pepper sauce’ for breakfast today on #WakeUpNigeria.
CEO of Inspiro Consulting, a Career Services & Human Resource Management firm, Jimi Tewe was on #WakeUpNigeria today, to discuss effective time management and it’s...
Breakfast segment today on #WakeUpNigeria with Chef Demmy was absolutely amazing. We took a trip to South Africa! Wondering how right? Chef Demmy showed...