Released in 2015, Ryan Coogler’s “Creed” revitalized an entire franchise. The Rocky spin-off series continues to dazzle with another knockout drama with a magnetic...
Jonathan Majors’ attorney has shared text messages from his alleged assault victim that appear to prove the actor’s innocence. The Marvel star was arrested...
In this parenting clip, we discussed “childhood obesity and malnutrition” with Oluwakemi Jeje, she is a well-experienced career woman who is passionate about listening...
Having issues with Burns? Dr. Olatubi Olawale talks about the classification of burns and their management. Dr Olatubi is a physiotherapist with a speciality...
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the Imo State chapter of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) have urged the Imo State...
Watch Femi Shofoluwe narrate the best ways to raise a girl child for Global Relevance and its relevance. Parenting is the process of raising children...
A Nigerian woman, identified as @dunchichi on Twitter, has been reportedly sentenced to a one-year jail term by the United Arab Emirates government for...