On Wednesday, Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State and afrobeat star Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema, led the groundbreaking ceremony for the Edo...
Renowned Nigerian music video director ThankGod Omori Jesam, better known as TG Omori, has reached out for public prayers following a failed kidney transplant.
TVC E. Majekodunmi Fasheke, popularly known as Majek Fashek, has said his friend, Afro-beat legend Fela Kuti was killed by former military president Sani Abacha....
TVC NEWS [ENUGU] – Nollywood stars, Patience Ozokwo, Francis Duru, Chiwetalu Agu, Ejike Asiegbu, Mr Ibu and others have visited their sick colleague Harry...
TVCE [MOVIE] – Nollywood actress and estranged wife of popular actor Omoniyi Johnson, Toyin Aimakhu, has said that despite being a public figure, she...