On Wednesday, Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State and afrobeat star Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema, led the groundbreaking ceremony for the Edo...
Renowned Nigerian music video director ThankGod Omori Jesam, better known as TG Omori, has reached out for public prayers following a failed kidney transplant.
The strong movie producer, Emem Isong and her Cameroonian husband Misodi Akama are expecting their first child together since marriage. The couple got tied...
Sosha Makani, the goalkeeper for Iranian team, Persepolis and member of Iranian national team, was arrested for posting indecent photos of himself with women...
TVCE – The Edo Chapter of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN) has proposed a multi-billion Naira Entertainment Village in the State, alleging...
Award-winning Nollywood director and producer Moses Inwang, following his critically acclaimed movie, TORN, returns with a better psychological movie, ‘Stalker’. The movie is going to...