On Wednesday, Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State and afrobeat star Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema, led the groundbreaking ceremony for the Edo...
Renowned Nigerian music video director ThankGod Omori Jesam, better known as TG Omori, has reached out for public prayers following a failed kidney transplant.
TVCconnect, the online platform for Television Continental has announced the winners for its New Year’s Eve video contest, TVCcaptureTheMoment. TVCcaptureTheMoment is a video contest...
Organisers of the Grammys have slated American rap group Run DMC to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s ceremony. President/CEO of The...
While everyone is still buzzing about Dammy Krane’s Twitter rant against Wizkid, the Starboy, who is on vacation is not really bothered by the whole...