On Wednesday, Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State and afrobeat star Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema, led the groundbreaking ceremony for the Edo...
Renowned Nigerian music video director ThankGod Omori Jesam, better known as TG Omori, has reached out for public prayers following a failed kidney transplant.
The world’s largest record labels are suing two artificial intelligence (AI) start-ups, Suno and Udio, over alleged copyright violations in a potentially landmark case....
In early 2019, Jacob & Co partnered with the renowned French car manufacturer Bugatti. This collaboration brought together two legendary brands celebrated for their...
Oxford University has agreed to return a 500-year-old bronze sculpture of the Hindu poet and saint Tirumankai Alvar to India. The Indian High Commission in...
Elon Musk, known for his vocal concerns about global depopulation, has reportedly fathered another child with Shivon Zilis, an executive at his brain implant...
Afrobeats superstar Davido shared captivating pre-wedding photos with his partner, Chioma Rowland, ahead of their traditional wedding ceremony on June 25, 2024. The eye-catching...
Nvidia‘s brief tenure as the world’s most valuable public company ended when Microsoft’s market valuation surpassed Nvidia’s. On Thursday, Nvidia’s share price dropped over...