In a dramatic turn of events, Young Thug‘s attorney, Brian Steel, filed a motion to disqualify Judge Ural Glanville from presiding over the rapper’s...
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea marks a significant milestone in the deepening ties between the two nations. This visit, exactly 24...
The popular sitcom “Everybody Hates Chris,” based on comedian Chris Rock’s teenage years, is being rebooted in animated form for Comedy Central and Paramount+....
Eid-ul-Adha, also known as Bakrid, is a significant festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide on the 10th of Dhu-al-Hijjah of the Islamic calendar. This year,...
Manchester United and Arsenal fiercely compete to sign Xavi Simons, a highly talented 21-year-old midfielder. Trained at Barcelona’s La Masia academy, Simons has been...
Nigerian singer Asake has achieved a significant milestone on Spotify, surpassing 7 million monthly listeners on the platform. This accomplishment, discovered on June 14,...
Nigerian singer Fireboy DML has confirmed the title of his highly anticipated fourth album as “Adedamola”, his real name. The revelation came in response...