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1967 U.S.A. Beatle’s Release Double A Side Single 17th February, 1967 : The Beatles release the double A-sided single in the United States with Penny Lane ( Paul McCartney ) on one side and “Strawberry Fields Forever” ( John Lennon ) on the other side. Find More What happened in 1967


1992 U.S.A. Jeffrey Dahmer 17th February, 1992 : Jeffrey Dahmer, was sentenced today to 15 consecutive life sentences and will never be eligible for parole by a Wisconsin court, he had practiced necrophilia and cannibalism on 15 young men and boys. On November 28th 1994 he was murdered by a fellow inmate, who bludgeoned him to death with a metal bar.


2003 U.S.A. Chicago Nightclub Stampede Feb. 17th, 2003 : 21 people are killed in a stampede at the crowded “The Epitome” nightclub in Chicago.


1911 U.S.A. Electric Start Feb. 17th, 1911 : The First Electric Self Start was installed in a Cadillac By GM. Up till this time and all cars needed to be started by cranking a starting handle which was hard work and caused multiple minor injuries when the car backfired during the starting process.


1911 Italy Madame Butterfly Feb. 17th, 1911 : Puccini’s opera ‘Madame Butterfly’ which tells the story of an American sailor, B.F. Pinkerton, who marries and abandons a young Japanese geisha, Cio-Cio-San, or Madame Butterfly has its world premiere at La Scala in Milan, Italy.


1925 U.S.A. The New Yorker Feb. 17th, 1925 : The New Yorker is published for the first time. The New Yorker is a weekly magazine with a focus on the cultural life of New York City.


1933 U.S.A. Blaine Act Feb. 17th, 1933 : After many years of prohibition in the United States the senate passed the Blaine Act which would signal the end of prohibition after many dry years.


1937 U.S.A. James Curley Feb. 17th, 1937 : James Curley had been let out of jail after the fourth jury ballot had taken place. He was originally charged of killing eight men and seven women on the evening of December 5th. Although he was acquitted of murder charges, he faced jail for another reason. He was charged of illegally entering this country (the United States).


1938 U.S.A. Farming Controls 17th February, 1938 : On this day, a future date has been set for voting on cotton and tobacco farming controls. The voting for this legislation has been set for March 12, tentatively. Over two million farmers were expected to participate in a referendum regarding farming control. The referendum (yes or no) question that was to be presented to farmers was the following: “Do you favor marketing quotas for cotton (or tobacco) in 1938?” This referendum was intended to stop too much crop from being produced. A two-thirds majority would be needed to pass this law.


1947 Russia Voice Of America Feb. 17th, 1947 : With the start of the cold war following World War II America introduced the transmission of Voice Of America to the Russian People as part of it’s propaganda campaign against Communism and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.


1950 U.S.A. British Spy Feb. 17th, 1950 : American businessman Robert A. Vogeler Jr’s assistant Edgar Sanders from Britain had pleaded guilty of espionage (spying activities) and sabotage. He was believed to be a spy for the British for about ten years (since 1940).


1956 Canada St. Lawrence Seaway Feb. 17th, 1956 : With the construction of The St. Lawrence Seaway Continuing at an intense pace the Canadian Authorities are now facing the relocation of 6,500 people who lived in 1 town, 8 villages and 225 farms who live in the area where the Long Sault Dam will flood over 20,000 acres. They are committed to creating complete new villages for all these people as part of the project which when finished will be a truly great feat of construction and engineering expertise.


1965 Gambia Independence Feb. 17th, 1965 : Gambia becomes the smallest sovereign state in Africa and the last of Britain’s West African colonies to gain independence


1972 Germany Volkswagen Beetle 17th February, 1972 : The 15,007,034th Volkswagen Beetle rolled out of the Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg, Germany, surpassing the Ford Model T’s previous production record to become the most heavily produced car in history, By by June 23rd, 1992 there had been over 21 million Beetles produced. The Beetle is the world’s best selling car design, but the Toyota Corrola has sold more ( currently over 30 million cars ) since introduced in 1966 but with many major design changes.


1979 Vietnam China Invades Feb. 17th, 1979 : As of the Vietnam War was not enough, the country of China had invaded Vietnam during this year, on this date. Tensions between these two countries had increased dramatically since the end of the Vietnam War. A major reason for the increased animosity between these two nations was because of the strengthening of the ties between Vietnam and the Soviet Union (China’s enemy at the time). The Invasion of Vietnam by China was in reaction to an invasion of Cambodia initiated by Vietnam. The worst and bloodiest of fighting occurred within the first nine days of this battle. However, these countries remained cold towards one another for ten years after this fierce battle. China invaded Vietnam with 90,000 troops supported by tanks, the invasion was short lived and China withdrew from Vietnam within 1 month.


1986 U.S.A. Ann Tyler Feb. 17th, 1986 : The National Critics Book Circle Award was given to Ann Tyler. She had written a book The Accidental Tourist, for which the award she received was given. This book was about the death of the son of the main character, and of his divorce. It was later made into a movie.


1987 England Asylum Seekers Feb. 17th, 1987 : A group of Tamils from Sri Lanka seeking asylum in Britain protest at Heathrow airport by removing their clothes as they are about to be deported, The group were taken to a detention centre. They were eventually deported after a lengthy high court case back to Sri Lanka .


1993 Haiti Ferry Disaster Feb. 17th, 1993 : The Neptune, a passenger ferry, had sunk after it had overturned . Approximately 900 people had drowned.


1995 U.S.A. Colin Ferguson 17th February, 1995 : Colin Ferguson is convicted of six counts of murder for the Long Island Rail Road Commuter Train murders

2006 Philippine Mud Slide Feb. 17th, 2006 : A massive mudslide buries the village of Guinsaugonin in the Philippine province of Southern Leyte including burying the local elementary school with nearly 250 children, only one of the children was rescued alive. The number of deaths in total in the village and surrounding area is estimated at 1,100

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