Entertainment Yul Edochie Narrates How Nonso Diobi Sheltered And Fed Him On His Way To Stardom in his birthday wishes to the actor Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie while sending some birthday wishes to Nonso Diobi, revealed how Nonso Diobi took care of him when he came to Lagos... tvceadminJuly 18, 2019
Entertainment Nollywood movie on Bollywood set for release “Zee World Madness,” a Nollywood movie that depicts most Nigerians’ passionate interest in Zee World movies, popularly known as tvceadminMarch 25, 2017
Entertainment Nonso Diobi speaks on reported auto crash Nollywood actor, Nonso Diobi has spoken on the reported auto crash that allegedly left him badly tvceadminApril 24, 2016
Gossip Actor Nonso Diobi survives car accident Nonso Diobi Nollywood actor was involved in an accident yesterday April 17th. He shared the photo above and wrote – “Had an accident... tvceadminApril 18, 2016