In 2016, Disney Animation enjoyed immense success with “Moana” and “Zootopia,” but the studio has faced difficulties in recent years with setbacks such as...
Jennifer Lopez‘s latest Netflix original film, “Atlas,” has quickly ascended to the top of the Netflix charts, captivating audiences worldwide. Directed by Brad Peyton,...
The first trailer for the psychological thriller “Wolfs” brings together George Clooney and Brad Pitt, reuniting them since their “Ocean’s” trilogy days. This original...
The international box office performance of “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” has faced challenges, earning $33.3 million from 75 territories and a total of...
Although “Deadpool & Wolverine” won’t hit theaters for another two months, it’s already smashing box office records. According to AMC Theatres CEO Adam Aron,...
Producer Jerry Bruckheimer has confirmed that two new ‘Pirates of the Caribbean‘ movies are currently in development, including a female-centric spin-off starring Margot Robbie....