Nollywood actor, Samuel Ajibola popularly known as Spiff begins the year 2020 by engaging his girlfriend and soulmate, Sandra. “...the woman of my Dreams...
Nollywood actor, Femi Adebayo turns 41years old today the 31st of December. Femi Adebayo is a Nigerian lawyer, film actor, director, producer and Special...
Popular social media comedian, Dr. Craze otherwise known as Craze clown recently proposed to his longtime girlfriend and of course, she said yes. The...
Nollywood veteran and former political office holder, Richard Mofe-Damijo AKA RMD celebrates 19years of marriage to his wife, Jumobi. The actor whose former wife...
Nollywood actress and mother of one, Toyin Abraham, shared a post this morning to advise parents and guardians about sexual abuse during this holiday...
Popular (Yoruba) Nollywood actress, Tayo Sobola popularly known as Sotayo Gaga celebrates her birthday today the 28th of December. The award-winning actress shared some...