Talented actress, Kemi Afolabi, is ready to navigate uncharted ways with her forthcoming movie, ‘M’odorisa.’The historical movie will feature 1,000 all-female cast made up...
A 60-year-old man, Mr. Adalabu Seribor, who is a Junior Secondary School II (JSS II) student at Izon College, Bomadi-Overside in Bomadi Local Government...
Nollywood filmmaker James Omokwe is currently not happy with senior colleague Charles Novia. Novia had written an open letter to criticise upcoming directors/producers who...
Veteran Nollywood producer and director, Charles Novia, has chided young filmmakers who do not belong to any association in the industry. In an open...
YBNL’s lover boy, Adekunle Gold has returned with another romance-themed song titled ‘Ready’. The Pheel-produced love tune has additional strings by Fiokee and was...
Akon’s ‘Lighting Africa’ project is gradually turning into a rallying point for African celebrities. The initiative is aimed at providing Africa with the platforms...