The silicone sculpture of an expressionless Moss and her naked torso was unveiled at the Opera Gallery on Thursday, with the life-like piece priced at 25,000 pounds ($31,800). Artist Edgar Askelovic, who has previously depicted late British rock star David Bowie as half man-half dog, spent four months working from photographs of Moss on the piece, made from silicone and polyurethane resin and weighing 80kg (176 lbs).
Gallery director Jean-David Malat said he felt Askelovic had met the brief of capturing the 43-year-old model as the goddess of the fashion industry.
“He works also only with photography which is unbelievable because he never met Kate Moss before,” Malat said. “Kate Moss is very special. She’s very beautiful.”
It is not the first quirky sculpture of which Moss, one of the most photographed women in the world, has been the subject.
A decade ago, British sculptor Marc Quinn depicted Moss as a golden yoga goddess, with her hands and feet contorted behind her head.