An Illinois Supreme Court has granted a victim of R. Kelly’s sexual assault four million dollars which are to be paid from the singer’s Sony Music royalty account.
The Illinois Supreme Court granted Heather Williams priority access to R. Kelly’s Sony Music royalty account, to pay the four million dollars default judgment awarded to Williams from a civil suit filed in 2019.
Just so you know, the victim, Heather Williams filed a civil suit in 2019 alleging that the singer coerced her into a sexual relationship when she was sixteen years old, promising that she could be in a music video and repeatedly had sex with her while she was a minor.
According to the Illinois Supreme Court ruling, Williams was first in line to receive money from Kelly’s Sony Music royalty account ahead of Midwest Commercial Funding, a property manager that won a separate three point five million dollars ruling against Kelly over unpaid rent for a Chicago studio.
If you would recall, R. Kelly was sentenced to thirty years in prison in June 2022 for federal sex trafficking charges, the embattled singer/songwriter was also found guilty on six counts of federal child pornography charges.