Instagram has enhanced its status update feature to be more engaging. Introduced in December 2022, Instagram’s Notes feature allows users to share statuses, similar to Facebook. Now, the Meta-owned app has introduced Note Prompts, drawing inspiration from its sister site. Note Prompts enable users to pose questions like “What should I eat?” or “Who is going to be in X city this weekend?” and receive responses from friends, fostering a more interactive experience.
Another new feature, Mentions, allows users to tag a friend directly in their Notes, reminiscent of early Facebook interactions. Additionally, Instagram has introduced Note Likes, allowing users to express appreciation for Notes by double-tapping or clicking the heart icon, similar to how likes function elsewhere on the platform.
Notes have only recently appeared on Instagram, resembling stories in many ways, as they last for 24 hours and come with controls to manage their visibility, such as limiting them to mutual followers. These Notes are visible in a user’s inbox and on their profiles.