Tory Lanez, the Toronto rapper and singer (real name Daystar Peterson), has begun serving his ten-year prison sentence for the 2020 shooting involving Megan Thee Stallion. His recent mugshot, showing disheveled hair, a 5 o’clock shadow, and signs of weight gain, was released to the public on September 20.
Authorities extradited Lanez to North Kern State Prison in Delano, California, on September 19, a facility located approximately 145 miles from Los Angeles. His ten-year sentence was imposed the previous month, and his recent appeal for release from jail was denied.
Tory Lanez gets transferred to a new prison and poses for a new mug shot.
Advertisement— TMZ (@TMZ) September 21, 2023
During a bail motion hearing on September 14, court reporter Meghann Cuniff, who closely followed the case, reported that Lanez had representatives from Unite The People with him. They approved his bail request. However, Jose Baez, renowned for his defense of Casey Anthony, couldn’t attend due to prior commitments.
Lanez also requested permission from Judge Herriford to live in the same house as his son, with plans to rent a property from someone offering exotic homes and cars. Unfortunately, Lanez’s appeals proved unsuccessful, and he is now officially en route to prison.
Tory Lanez exhausted all legal avenues in the Megan Thee Stallion shooting case. Notably, he declined a four-year plea deal offered by prosecutors earlier in the case, choosing to take his chances with a California jury. His steadfast claim of innocence did not prevent his subsequent guilty verdict on all counts in December following a two-week trial.