Overthinkers need to be constantly reassured, with overthinkers, one does not need to focus too much on the truth of what happened.
Even if the thing they are losing their mind over is completely unfounded, focus instead on reassuring them that everything is fine and that you still care about them.
If you feel most confident in your decision, then make it right, and if there’s no new information, don’t think about the situation, get on with your day. Today we have put together 5 THINGS EVERY OVER THINKER NEEDS TO KNOW.
Ninety-nine per cent of the harm is caused in your head by you and your thoughts, while one per cent of the harm is caused by reality, what actually happens and the outcome.
Most of the time, the problem isn’t the problem, it is the way you think about the problem that is.
Don’t think you deserve that opportunity? Apply for it anyways. Do you not think your article is good enough? Publish it anyways.
Don’t think they’ll reply to your email, send it anyways. Whatever it is you feel you want to, rather than hide, just do it, you may be pleasantly surprised. In a nutshell, never overthink yourself into self-rejection.
The truth is, most problems aren’t solved with more thinking, they are solved with less, as you will find most of the answers you are looking for in silence.
In time band with a clear mind, if you can’t solve a problem, stop trying to.
You are not going to overthink your way to a better future, and you are not going to overthink your way to a better past, as all you have is now.
And what you do with NOW can make right of your past and make good of your future, so make peace with yesterday, let go of tomorrow, and grab hold of NOW.
No amount of anxiety will change your future; no amount of regret will change your past.
Peace is found in acceptance, so accept imperfection, accept uncertainty, and accept the uncontrollable, you don’t have to understand, tolerate or even forget something, but if you want peace, you must accept it.