Chef John takes us on a beautiful journey to the Middle East as he prepares ‘Burgul with Veggies’.
Bulgur which is also known as riffoth and burghul, is a cereal food made from the cracked parboiled groats of several different wheat species, most often from durum wheat. It originates in West Asian cuisine.
Bulgur does not require cooking, although it can be included in cooked dishes; soaking in water is all that is needed.
Coarse bulgur is used to make pottages, while the medium and fine grains are used for breakfast cereals, salads such as breads.
Bulgur according according to Chef John is practically for vegetarians
Here’s how to cook Bulgur and veggies
- Onions – diced ·
- Garlic – minced
- Diced carrots
- Wheat fiber
- Brocoli
- Cucumber
- Mushroom
- Tomatoes
- Pepper
- Butter
- Salt
- courgette
- vegetable broth
- parsley for garnish
- Lemon wedges
- Red pepper
- Celery
- Extra virgin oil
See preparation methods below!