Art director and Visual Artist, Morakinyo Oluwafemi, revealed that his style of art is to document for future generations.
Morakinyo revealed that what influenced his style of art is based on his background, all the things he went through as a child.
“My dad use to collect stamps so when i was little, i use to steal those stamps and draw out the figures in the stamps. I was intrigued by all that and it inspired my painting
Do you have support from your father?
Yes my father has been my biggest support ever because he believes that the works of your hand should be able to feed you. I really appreciate him for everything he has done so far.
What do you think your art work can do?
My artwork is a means of me documenting my work. It’s a way to people back, to know where they are coming from.
As a commercial venture, does your art pay your bills?
Yes, it does. It has paid my rent though i still have a 9-5pm job i’m doing. I’m presently a senior director in an organization. During the week i am an art director then weekend i am a painter.
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