Popular DJ, Sose joins in the studio to talk about what he has been doing after the last season of Nigerian Idol and projects he’s been working on. #WakeUpNigeriaOnTVC
So what changed since the last time you were on our couch?
A lot actually changed. My daughter is actually one year now. I have had interesting experiences and some sleepless nights.
Would You Want To Have More Kids?
One is okay. Maybe one more. Then, i am done.
Why didn’t you join this year’s Nigerian Idol?
Well, i did my part, it was finished. Obviously the contract was for one year and they said they wanted to take the show to another level, what have you? So hey, no bad blood, everyone is moved on, everything is cool.
Good luck to everyone else on the show. We will see what happens.
Moving forward, what have you been doing since the show ended?
Same as before, doing projects underground. Apart from that, still DJing across Nigeria and outside Nigeria and then working on one or two things. It’s until it start growing that i will start talking about it.
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to do a reality show for DJ’s?
Well, it can work, although, there are a lot of nitigrities and technical difficulties that would come into play because we need to remember that being a Dj is one thing and being able to play to a crowed is another. The third thing is the art form and it’s not every body that can do that.
Is It Dj Mainly That pays the bills or there are other things that also contributes?
There are other things. Family business, apart from that i ventured into movies. I recently acted in a movie called ‘Before Valentine’.
Have Your Official Markings Limited You In Anyway?
No, some cases there’ve helped open more doors. The only time it’s limited is because the mental state of the individuals at that point are somewhat close and they get to judge a book before they even get to open it.
Are Your Markings Permanent?
What is permanent? Nothing in life is permanent.
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