Florence Otedola aka DJ Cuppy announced this afternoon that she has gained admission into the prestigious Oxford University for her masters. She shared the news with her parents, Femi and Nana Otedola through a video conference call. During the call, her dad, Billionaire, Femi Otedola, however, revealed that he can’t afford to pay for her fees again when DJ Cuppy requested the favor from him.
DJ Cuppy later revealed that her admission into Oxford University is her proudest achievement to date.
See below for video
She wrote:
“My PROUDEST achievement to date… Oxford University, see you in October! 🙌🏾 🎓🎉 #CuppyOnAMission”
“HUGE NEWS and I had to tell my parents first! 🙌🏾 🎓🎉 … I’ve been accepted into OXFORD UNIVERSITY for a Masters!!! This degree is dedicated to @Nana_Otedola & @FemiOtedola 👏🏾💪🏾 #CuppyOnAMission“