Nollywood actor, Bolanle Ninalowo aka Makanaki clocks 40 years on earth today 7th May. The actor shared photos on his social media platform today to celebrate his special day and revealed that he will be celebrating his birthday today with his wife and children which happens to be special to him because it will be his first in 10years.
Fans and colleagues celebrate with him on his special day via social media.
He wrote;
“40yrs on God 🙏
Thank you all for the ❤️”
“The Dream came true 🙏
Am gonna be spending my 40th birthday with my wife & kids 😇🙏
My first in 10years!!!
You think you know!! Naaaaaaaa 😂
Omode o mo ogun, o pe le foh!!!
Thank God for Grace 🙏
#Conqueror 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
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