Dr. Femi Olaleye, joined the ladies of Your View, to discuss #WorldCancerDay, which is aimed to saving millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about cancer, and pressing governments and individuals across the world to act against the disease.
Dr. Femi Olaleye pointed out that, today’s celebration marks 20 years of world cancer day. It’s aimed to let people, government know what their responsibilities are. It’s important that people take the responsibility to live healthy- fitness, avoid smoking, keep a healthy diet.
Dr. Femi advised that we should submit ourselves to a medical doctor for test yearly. He added that he would like to see that every local government can start this effort. They can also include cancer screening as what they can do for every community.
Nyma asked Dr. Femi about the danger of using microwave. Dr. Femi debunked that microwave doesn’t cause cancer. The myth around microwave should stop.
In his words, ‘Nothing inside your microwave causes cancer, everyone should use his/her microwave, it was made for your comfort’.
See video below: