Popular Nigerian filmmaker, Emem Isong Misodi, took to social media to celebrate her husband, N.Akama Misodi, on his birthday. The filmmaker gushed about the love she has for her husband in a heartfelt post on social media.
The filmmaker shared different photos of her husband on her Instagram page. On a heartfelt post shared on her Instagram page, the filmmaker gushed about her love for her husband. According to the filmmaker, having her husband in her life is priceless and being his wife was her best decision. She also expressed that loving him is her passion.
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The filmmaker further expressed that she is celebrating God on her husband’s birthday for creating him for her and their children. The mother and wife also shared different photos of her husband as she celebrated him.
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Misodi is an award-winning Nollywood screenwriter, producer, and movie director. The filmmaker holds a bachelor of arts degree in theatre arts after graduating from the University of Calabar. She is known for making Nollywood movies in the English language, and is respected for her works in the industry.