Nollywood actress, Etinosa traveled to Dubai recently but would be returning as a Mercedes Benz owner. The joyous actress shared photos and videos of her new car from Dubai as she zoomed off in it. She expressed her gratitude to GOD and the god-sent whom GOD used.
“it’s not anything but a God sent Angel who once reached out to me via my DM!!”
Sharing the news she wrote;
my Joy knows no bounds
Indeed my Dubai trip comes to an end with the biggest surprise gift I have ever gotten in my life.. It’s not even my birthday and I am not going to say “it’s God o” or “is hardwork” or “perspire to inspire” it’s not anything but a God sent Angel who once reached out to me via my DM!! me Like I am still crying I am humbled like I no know wetin to talk. See Dubai no cold but cold dey catch me. Automatic cold just hook me. I dey cry like Omomo dey use my inhaler dey wedge my ches(t. Ahhh God know say for this my life Na biggie belle I get I no get pride 😭 is like a dream I don’t want to believe yet That meI am leaving Dubai as a Mercedes Benz owner. And to think that all these started from just a DM! GIRLS REPLY YOUR DM O😭😭😭