South African rapper, Kiernan Jarryd Forbes known professionally as AKA is not one of Nigerians favourite person at the moment, judging from how a lot of Nigerians are reacting to some of his tweets.
AKA tweeted ‘stay In your country’ and it caused an uproar on social media. Some Nigerians on twitter called him ‘wicked’ and how he isn’t different from those attacking Nigerians in South Africa.
Nigerian rapper, YCEE was the first to come for AKA as he shared series of tweets over the xenophobic attacks.
YCEE refered back to a tweet AKA made in July when the national football team of Nigeria, Super Eagle, defeated South African football team at the just concluded African Nations Cup.
“I don’t rate South African men at this point … and I’m not trying to create any form of animosity between us and them (that they don’t already feel against us)
It is really sad that In 2019 Xenophobia is what we are still facing and discussing as a problem.”
“There is this subtle dislike that a lot of them (If not all) feel towards Nigerians and no matter how hard they try to hide it .. it eventually jumps out – like when AKA had a full childish grown man tantrum when they lost to Nigeria in the nations cup,” he tweeted.
Other celebrities have reacted to the attack, with AKA being the point of attack. Popular Instagram comedian and singer, Broda Shaggi after the uproar on twitter, stormed AKA’s instagram page with other Nigerians. Comments like Omo Ale, Oloriburuku…. (See screenshots below)