Popular movie director and actor who has been in the news recently for his parenting skills, revealed why he enrolled his son in a mechanic workshop.
The actor chatting on TVC’s Entertainment breakfast show, Wake Up Nigeria with Titi Oyisan and Personal/parenting coach, Izefua, Kunle said;
“Our generation, we grew up in this fortunate society where there was a lot of communal gathering. But these days, I feel that our children are caged and for me I feel they are missing a whole lot.”
“I grew up experiencing that, because if you grew up in the NEIGHBOuRHOOD, you will know somebody who’s a tailor, a mechanic, a CONDUCTOR – everybody is in that same neigbourhood.
Speaking also to Saturday Beats, the ace movie director and actor revealed that he wants his son to experience the better side of growing up as he feels children are being caged nowadays.
“Children of this generation may think they are having fun because they didn’t experience what some of us experienced but they are caged. Most of their life is spent either in front of television or the computer game. My children are a bit different; they are not addicted to anything. Even the most senior one who has a phone, most times I force him to pick the phone because he doesn’t stay on it.
Advertisement“I also want him to learn how to interact with people outside the house and learn how to speak Yoruba so that when he is back in school, he will understand that life has different sides and not everybody is privileged to have what he has,” he added.