Stress is unavoidable but can certainly be dealt with. This can only be done by getting the right information. On WakeUpNigeria this morning, Yomi Owope had a discussion with a medical expert, Dr. Olumide Daso on what stress is, factors that causes stress and how it can be dealt with.
Dr Daso began the discussion with defining what stress is.
“Stress is the wear and tear of the mind, you can be considered as stressed out when the pressure on the system is more than the coping mechanism.Stress can either be positive or negative. Negative stress comes from some inadequacy at work, life and so on, while positive stress comes from good things such as promotion, a new job, fatherhood or motherhood and so on. The positive stress is good, you just have to measure up to that level.”
Speaking on with Yomi Owope, he explained the factors that causes stress which he classifies into external and internal.
For the external factors, he broke them down into different aspects which are : physical environment, organisational insecurity and social interaction. And for the internal, the different aspects are: lifestyle( how much you allow help you, instead of doing everything by yourself), paternal traits, characters and so on…
He proceeded to talking about symptoms of stress.
“To know when you are stressed, there are some reactions such as: transfer of aggression, loss of libido for men, sudden anger,mental effect like loss of memory, lack of concentration, frustration, depression and so on.”
Stress is totally unavoidable but he noted that there are ways to deal with stress.
Firstly, he mentioned that it’s needed to identify the source of the stress. This means that one has to identify what leads to stress, tracing it to a particular thing or activity.
Also, he added that people should learn to take note of the following:
– Try as much as possible to avoid stress
– Alter, this means try to be true to yourself about deadlines.
– Adapt to your activities.
– Accept what comes and deal with them instead of stressing.
– Physical exercise.