Helen Paul who called herself a ‘thespian’ on #WakeUpNigeria while in a chat with Yomi and Titi, is a lot of things in Nigeria’s entertainment industry.
Helen Paul is a comedian, singer and actress from Nigeria,she is also a stand-up comedian, known as ‘Tatafo’, characterized by a voice range that made her sound like a child.
Speaking about what she would have been if not all stated above, she mentioned that she wanted to be a CID while growing up.
“While growing up, I really wanted to be a CID. I love investigating things, I love to study people, I love to toy with emotions, I love to act angry, happy and so on. I think I am still an actor in general. I won’t be wearing uniform but I will be solving problems.”
While speaking, she mentioned how she loves to bring out a lesson from all that she does which influenced her latest project on Instagram.
“I try most times to bring out a lesson, not necessarily laugh but smile and get the lesson”
She talked about how her husband has being of help to her through learning, school and all and how she respects him.
“It’s our culture, we are meant to respect our husbands. I respect my husband, he is far older than me. I still call him ‘brother Femi’ when I want to tease him”