Industrializing or Diversification has been the song of everyone in Nigeria including those in power for sometime now, but it seems enough hasn’t been done.
On YourViewTVC this morning, Muktar Mohammed was with the ladies to discuss the reasons why this is happening and the ways forward.
Speaking of the problems which he intertwined with the solution, he mentioned quite a lot of them.
“Nigeria is not finding other sources of income, we are supposed to use our core strength which is crude to develop other sources of income.
When they mention cocoa and other agricultural products, other countries come to mind yet most of these countries got their resources from Nigeria.
We are not a country that produce, we only consume which is not good enough. We politicize everything in Nigeria and forget the economy “
Speaking about the political roles in these underdevelopment, he said
“Nigerian politicians are only good at paper agenda and network but do not go beyond that. Also, we do not have a long term plan, each government comes with new agenda, aborting the former government’s agenda.
There are no common visions and drive with the politicians. We cannot get there in 2 years, China waited 50 years, Dubai waited 20 years before they became what they are today. Nigeria is not ready to learn, she wants to be the ‘big brother’and begin to build relationships with powerful countries to her detriment.”
Trying to give solutions he in his opinion doubts if Nigerian is patient enough to get to where it should be.
” Do we have the patience like other countries? Are we ready for the journey? We should continue where someone stops and not abort the agenda. Let’s teach our children their rights and the necessary things so we can easily pass on to them.”