“Zee World Madness,” a Nollywood movie that depicts most Nigerians’ passionate interest in Zee World movies, popularly known as Indian movie (Bollywood), is set for release.
The comic movie produced by Diamond Movies Ltd and directed by Mac- Collins Chidebe, showcases actors including Rachel Okonkwo, Nonso Diobi and Chioma Igwe.
Zee World movies, though produced in Indian language and subtitled in English, have become a household name among families, and movie goers across Nigeria.
This increasing trend has made many develop little or no interest in local movies, a situation that producers, actors and industry watchers have described as unpatriotic to the nation’s budding movie industry.
The producer, Chidebe had told newsmen that the movie was all about the madness in Nigerian Homes for Zee World.
”The problems, disadvantages and bad effect to our society here in Nigeria and also a combination of love, greed, mad about other people’s culture,” he stated.
Bollywood is reputed to be the largest movie industry in the world in terms of volume, followed by Nigeria’s Nollywood and Hollywood of the U.S.A.