Acting President Yemi Osinbajo met on Tuesday with major stakeholders in industry including the leadership of the National Assembly, with a view to setting in place major steps towards improving the business environment in the country.
The stakeholders on their part set targets on certain actions that government needs to implement to bring about a positive change and vast improvements to the business environment.
During the meeting, Acting President Yemi Osinbajo laid down three broad areas government hopes to touch to improve the business environment.
These include the entry and exit of goods; the entry and exit of persons into Nigeria and general transparency and efficiency in government ministries departments and agencies.
The targets have been attached with timelines to ensure that the conversations do not just remain talking point.
A timeline was also set for the National Assembly within which certain laws must be passed to ensure the achievement of these objectives.
They are targets which the Leadership of the Federal legislature believes can be met and which do not infringe on the independence of the Institution.
Improving Nigeria’s business environment has been a major focus of this administration and it seems that key players are determined this time around to ensure that this is achieved.