2015 Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, announce the name of their baby girl, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana
2014 Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel has resigned in the wake of security breaches late last year in which customer data was stolen; the company will be run by John
Mulligan, the company’s Chief Financial Officer, until a new president is identified
2014 Polio is on the rise as unvaccinated refugees travel across borders; though most prevalent in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, infections are now appearing in other parts of Asia and Africa; young children are the most vulnerable
2013 The French military’s M51 missile test fails when the missile self-destructs in midair
2013 The world’s first plastic gun, produced by a 3-D printer by Defense Distributed fires successfully in Austin, Texas. Security officials fear plastic weapons would not be detected at airport screenings
2012 The last nuclear reactor in Japan is shut down, leaving the country without nuclear power since 1970
2012 The moon forms a super moon as it gets the closest to the earth for the year
2011 Former U.S. Olympic champion Carl Lewis is granted a place on the ballot for the Democratic primary election for a New Jersey Senate seat
2011 In Brazil, the Supreme Federal Court rules that same-sex couples receive the same rights of existing civil unions
2010 After serving twenty-one terms, U.S. Representative, Democrat, and Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Dave Obey, announces he will not run for
2000 Conjunction of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon
1998 Federal court rules President Clinton does not have executive privilege in the Lewinsky case so he must testify
1997 “Married With Children” final episode on Fox TV
1997 Iridium-1 Delta 2 Launch, Successful
1996 “Jack-Night on Town with J Barrymore” closes at Belasco after 12 performances
1996 Karrie Webb wins LPGA Sprint Titleholders Golf Championship
1996 Renette Cruz, Vancouver, wins Miss Canadian Universe
1995 Last basketball game at Boston Gardens (Magic beats Celtics)
1994 “Sally Marrand Her Escorts” opens at Helen Hayes New York City for 50 performances
1994 Labour beats Conservatives in British local elections
1994 North-Yemen air force bombs Aden South Yemen