TVC E. Following Seyi Shay‘s infamous ‘EP’ (Electronic Package) blunder on Hip TV, the Nigerian singer has finally reacted to the public ridicule she’s been suffering.
‘EP’ is an acronym for ‘Extended Play’, a term regularly used in the music circles. An EP (short for extended play) is a musical recording that contains more music than a single, but is usually too short to qualify as a full studio album or LP (Long Play)
Shay in response to the social media criticism, took to her Instagram to state that as long as she’s making money, she’s not bothered.
“Sooooooo! Who EP don epp?” she asked haters, adding, “While some are busy trying to figure out what EP really means and making me trend for so long, we are covering papers and making headlines and making MONEEEEYYYY so we can continue this wonderful tour of Africa. We thank God… – By @pamberi_c “Get the Tonight and check out @iamseyishay on the cover.“