TVC E. It seems celebrities like Toyin Aimakhu have vowed not take any form of trash from Internet bullies this year.
A fan with no chill who couldn’t stand the fact that Toyin dated Seun Egbegbe, ‘choosing an agbero’ over her ex-husband who is a graduate decided to curse her saying:
“God will punish you real good, I’m cursing you with the love I have for you. Anytime I think of you opening your legs for Seun Egbegbe or whatever his name is. My hatred for you goes farer . Cause you disappoint me in so many way Can’t believe you will leave a graduate for an Agbero all in the name of cheating/Money or what? Which I’m sure you know the level hypocrite in that stupid industries of yours. In Antar Laniyan’s voice. God will punish you cause you disappoint many Nigerians”
“Satan will not only punish u but will make ur life blurry like the 5th pix on ur page,the oriburuku that u will do it’s inside cargo all this it’s cos of the love I have for u oo..omo ale jatijati,see ur head like pear.. who graduate help?u r a disgrace to men.. olori gbigbe bi panla gbigbe” Read the exchange below..
What do you think about what she said?
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