Wonders they say shall never end, a 28-year old Nurudeen Sulaimon has been arrested by the men of the Nigeria Police, Igando division in Lagos, for stealing baby formula from a supermarket.
Sulaimon, was said to have been involved in a confrontation with his wife, who was angry at him for his inability to provide formula for their new baby.
This was what motivated him to engage in the act. The worth of the formula he stole is estimated to be around N45,000.
Sulaimon successfully packed the items, but was arrested before leaving the store as he was being watched from a CCTV camera.
At the police station, he begged for forgiveness of his crime, stating that he was pushed to stealing due to poverty.
He has been given an option of bail at the sum of N50,000 pending the resumption of the hearing and currently being held at the Kirikiri Prison until he is able to pay the money for his bail.