Give sperm a boost Sperm have the best shot of fertilizing an egg when they’re healthy, strong, and plentiful. Your partner can do several things to help:

  • Cut back on alcohol. Studies show that drinking daily can lower testosterone levels and sperm counts, increasing the number of abnormal sperm.
  • Skip tobacco and recreational drugs. These can cause poor sperm function.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight. Obesity can lower sperm count and slow down sperm.
  • Get enough of certain key nutrients – like zinc, folic acid, calcium, and vitamins C and D – that help create strong and plentiful sperm.
  • Don’t use hot tubs and saunas or take hot baths because heat kills sperm. (Testicles function best at 94 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit, a couple of degrees cooler than normal body temperature.)

The sooner your partner can make these changes, the better: Sperm take a while to mature, so any improvements now will yield better sperm specimens about three months from now.

TVC wishes you good luck.
